Solasta: Crown of the Magister Kickstarter Campaign Successful

With a total of 5,995 backers and €243,855 pledged, Tactical Adventures’ Kickstarter campaign for their Dungeons & Dragons-flavored CRPG Solasta: Crown of the Magister is now officially over. In the end, the campaign has managed to reach its initial goal and a good number of stretch goals, falling just short of unlocking the Sorcerer class. But if you’re someone who prefers Sorcerers over Wizards, fret not, as the first post-funding update lets us know that the class will be making it into the game after all, as a free piece of DLC. Have a look:

Thank You!

That’s it, the Campaign is over! The entire Tactical Adventures crew thanks you, each and everyone of you who made this Kickstarter a success. It was a wild month, but worth all the effort! But we’re sure you’re wondering about the last Stretch Goals. Did we make it or not?

Sorcerer Class – Free DLC!

We fell short of the Sorcerer Stretch Goal, which means we most likely won’t be able to add it to the final game… at launch, that is! We’ve seen how much love this class received in the comments and on our social media channels, so we decided to offer the Sorcerer Class as FREE DLC after we wrap up Solasta: Crown of the Magister!

Get ready to sling Empowered Fireballs and Twinned Haste, for the Sorcerer will definitively make its way to Solasta!

What’s Next?

So, what are the next steps now that our Kickstarter Campaign is over?

  • On October 18th 2019, our Free Kickstarter Pre-Alpha Demo will leave our Steam Page as the entire team’s focus shifts towards working on the final game.
  • In early November 2019 (next month), you will receive a mail from CrowdOx – our Pledge Manager – to manage your Kickstarter Rewards, select additional Physical Add-Ons and pay the Shipping Fees (if you have physical items in your rewards). We will make a Kickstarter Update next Monday (October 7th) to go in more details about that.
  • We will write Kickstarter Updates on a Monthly basis to keep you informed about Features, Lore and Project Progress. If you want to read more, we write Dev Blogs every week on our Website.
  • Don’t hesitate to join our Community if you haven’t already! You can chat with us on Official Forums & Discord Server

And this here earlier update provides an overview of Solasta’s take on the Sorcerer:

New Class – Sorcerer

Sorcerers are magic users whose powers come from their ancestry – a heritage that sometimes manifests as physical features that aren’t always easy to bear. Unlike Wizards who hone their craft through long studies, Sorcerers progress through sheer force of will and talent.

They are powerful spellcasters who can reshape their spells at will to adapt to any situation. Through their hands, spells can become more powerful, harder to resist, remain in effect longer or have many other effects. Sorcerers also have specific powers other than spellcasting, that come from their Origin.

Draconic Bloodline

Descendants of shapeshifted dragons and younger Solastan races, these sorcerers are blessed with many benefits of their draconic ancestry and speak draconic fluently. Each have an affinity with one specific element, and word is the most powerful ones can even grow dragon wings and fly!

Mana Painter

Born out of the mana starvation that followed the cataclysm, certain dwellers of Solasta learned to drain magic from everything that surrounded them – locations, objects and even people. They learned to channel scarce mana to cast spells, create potions or scrolls. Their enemies may call them mana thieves, but they are truly artists of magic.

Children of the Rift

Another effect of the Rift and its cataclysmic closing was that some people around it were affected in their blood, gaining an innate ability to cast spells instinctively. The very nature of the Rift also changed them deeply as they are not only flesh and blood, but also mana, light, and shadow.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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