SKALD: Against the Black Priory Successfully Funded

With a total of 450 backers and slightly over $21,000 pledged, Scape-IT’s Kickstarter campaign for SKALD: Against the Black Priory, an old-school party-based RPG, is officially over, having more than doubled its initial funding goal. According to the first post-funding update, the game should be ready to go in June of 2020, with a backer alpha coming later this month.

And if stretch goals is what you’re interested in, an earlier update announced another one, set at $21,000. As a result of this Twitter poll, SKALD’s final stretch goal will add two new classes to the game.

And with that out of the way, here are a few paragraphs from the developers:


Finishing at 450 backers and 262% it’s safe to say that “Skald: Against the Black Priory” is a hit. The Kickstarter has been a lot of fun, but also a lot of work and I’m looking forward to spending more time working on the game again.

The Road Ahead

The scheduled release for SKALD is June 2020 with physical rewards coming in August 2020. Up to that point there is a lot of work to be done in developing the game and feelies and I honestly can’t wait!

Backers will be receiving a backer survey within months that will get things like addresses, preferred platform and so forth.

The Demo

For backers who payed to get access to the alpha-build, that will be made available in July. I’ll still take a few weeks to polish it a bit so be patient! The alpha-build is in no way representative of the finished product. It serves as a short proof-of-concept and a way to start developing some shared language for discussing the project. In particular, complex features like character development and advancement will be placeholder systems in this demo.


We already have a pretty good community on Discord and I would like for it to become much larger! Join us on Discord today:

We’re having some pretty great discussions regarding SKALD and game development in general so if you want a say in how this game turns out, Discord is the place 🙂

Send me a message with your name and backer number as you join and I’ll add the appropriate role to you on Kickstarter!

You can also reach me here on Kickstarter so let me know it you have questions or comments (thou I might take a bit longer to reply now during the summer).

I also recommend all of my backers to subscribe to the devlog at

The devlog is where I’ll post stuff like information on the game system and setting. This is a great (or terrible) way for you to get some insight into what goes on inside my head.

That’s it for now! Thanks again for all your support!


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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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