Six Fun Activities To Pursue In Mass Effect: Andromeda

As part of their ongoing coverage of Mass Effect: Andromeda, the folks at GameInformer have published an article outlining six side activities that will be available in the title. I know I’m very insistent and probably very boring by now, but I feel like Inquisition’s biggest problem was lacking engaging side content, so this is definitely something that will make and break Andromeda too for me. An excerpt:

Navigating With The Nomad
Planets are much more expansive than previous entries. You need the Nomad to make the most out of searching the majority of them. In fact, most planets have some sort of biohazard obstacles, such as sulfur pools and magma flow. The Nomad is essential for protection from some of these threats. With the Nomad, you can boost and jump to get past hazards or fit into nooks and crannies to find hidden items. “A big focus for us is making sure that the Nomad handles better, drives better, cascades better – that it has all the nimbleness that the original Mako did without any of the frustrations,” Gamble says.

Tracking Down Drop Zones
Whenever you enter an area, you’ll want to scour to find drop zones for forward stations. Using this tech, you can reveal all the points of interest on the map. This is also how you establish a fast-travel point, and you can change your loadout here. While the points of interest give you a hint of where you want to explore, BioWare also wanted some surprises along the way and to encourage you to go off the beaten path. “We don’t want to just give you map markers to follow,” Gamble explains. “We want you to explore, and find things, and stumble upon them. We really wanted to do that for players because it teaches them to go outside of the roads, and that is what the game is all about and why we give you the Nomad.”

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