Silent Storm Reviews

Another pair of reviews for Nival and JoWood’s tactical strategy/role-playing game Silent Storm surfaced earlier today. The first is at IGN with an overall score of 8.1/10:

t’s great that turn-based strategy games are starting to come back. Sure, it’s not a huge renaissance but it’s something at least. Given that most of us got into PC gaming based on our love of X-COM, Civilization, Master of Magic, et. al. I think we’re all happy to see some quality titles in this vein. That’s particularly true on the tactical side of things where the roster of good games is limited to old standards like X-COM, Jagged Alliance and, to a lesser extent, Fallout.

I’d put Silent Storm just a step behind those other titles purely in terms of its overall ease of use and the fact that the World War II setting is getting kind of tired. The destructible environments and nice 3D graphics go a long way towards bringing this genre up to speed in terms of technology, of course, and that definitely works in its favor. Since most turn-based gamers aren’t as concerned with particle effects and such, the real selling point is the strong and sophisticated tactical system.

And the second is over at High School Gamers with an overall score of 9/10:

Your weapons all have different fire modes, like snapped off shots for less AP and less accuracy, or careful shots for all of your AP, but very accurate. Machine guns have differnet burst fire options too. You can aim at certain body parts (like an arm, a head, etc), to make someone drop a gun, or to shoot to kill. You can also carry bodies of unconcious enemies out of the level to interrogate them for clues, and if you are good at the game, you can prevent your characters from dying almost every time by carrying your unconcious friends over your shoulder out of the level to heal them back at base. Base has an armory form getting weapons, a sickbay for the wounded, a place to reveiw personnel files to fire or hire people to your team, and a hangar for vehicles. This is your place of command.

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