Silent Storm Reviews

A couple of new reviews have hit the web for Nival and JoWood’s strategy/role-playing game, Silent Storm. The first is at GameSpy with an overall score of 4/5:

That brings us to our last issue: the lack of multiplayer. Some games are clearly designed to be a single-player experience, so not having multiplayer shouldn’t affect your evaluation of them. Silent Storm is not one of those games. The game has an architecture that’s extremely mod-friendly and includes provisions for custom maps. Combine that with a gameplay model that’s been successfully used by board gamers to play each other for about a million years, and the lack of multiplayer support in Silent Storm is nothing short of tragic.

In case it needs to be said again, all of this is offered in the spirit of constructive criticism. Silent Storm is a great game . it’s just that strategy gamers like me who have been waiting for a true X-Com successor are still waiting. Given more time and more polish, Silent Storm could easily have been an absolute classic. Fix the problems I outlined, though, and that status is virtually assured for Silent Storm 2.

And the second is at Active Reviews with an overall score of 4.5/5:

Any fans of turn-based combat, WW2, blowing stuff up, or all of the above need to get this game immediately. Even the disenfranchised Diablo II junkie might find themselves at home with this game thanks to the RPG system. The replayability factor of this game is pretty high, since you can choose so many different character profiles and members of your squad (up to 7 max). If you’re feeling lucky enough you can even attempt the game with one lone warrior, but don’t think this is a re-enactment of Mario Van Peebles in the smash-hit SOLO. Just remember, you don’t have cybernetic enhancements or the ability to dodge bullets; so only try this if you’re masochistic or incredibly bored. You’ll be seeing a lot of the loading screen if you’re crazy enough to try it.

Like all games, this one isn’t perfect. It is damn fun though, which is more than can be said about most of the crap coming out these days. The lucky Europeans have had this game since last year, and everybody here in the states should at least download the demo before this game sneaks by as a sleeper hit. Don’t pass this one up.

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