Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues Kickstarter Update #14, $1,144,427 and Counting

The latest update for the Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter brings news that a Paypal option is now available and features a video of Richard Garriott running one of his programmers through a series of question like the ones asked to the player in Ultima IV to determine his character’s virtues. Except this time it involves Popeye. Somehow.

Here’s a snip:

We’ve got some great news for everyone who has requested a way to use PayPal to help support our Shroud of the Avatar Project! You now have the ability to do so by visiting

The tier rewards are identical both on Kickstarter and at our Shroud of the Avatar store. It is simply an alternative that will allow new backers to pledge using PayPal as a payment option.

An AmA Reddit Q&A is also going to be hosted today at 4 pm CST and, you guessed it, Richard Garriott himself will be answering the questions.

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