Should You Install The Witcher 3 Patch 1.07 on Consoles?

Digital Foundry’s Thomas Morgan has taken a look at patch v1.07 for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on consoles and finds that CD Projekt’s promised performance improvements are nonexistent, much to our disappointment. Worse than that, the game’s framerate is apparently markedly worse on Xbox One after the patch:

Compared side-by-side, the gap has narrowed between PS4 and Xbox One, but only due to the latter’s apparent degradation in performance, forcing the two to run at a matching 20fps in challenging areas. Otherwise, PS4’s performance profile on patch 1.07 doesn’t give us much to celebrate – it still stutters in places where Xbox One runs at a perfectly smooth 30fps, and in cut-scenes, Sony’s console produces the lower readings overall.

The switch to 1.07 is recommended overall, but with some reluctance: we were promised improved performance and it’s surprising to see that this controversial area of The Witcher 3 actually seems to take a hit with the new update. The wealth of new features is clearly welcome and obviously improves the game, but we really would like to see the console versions’ frame-rate and stability problems comprehensively addressed.

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