Shadowrun Returns Post-Funding Update #15

In the 15th update to Shadowrun Returns’ now-concluded Kickstarter fundraising drive the folks at Harebrained Schemes talk about the beginning of the actual development of the title and let us know that the Backer’s Survey for the second city should go live next week, while details on how to collect information on the physical rewards, contact info, etc. are being finalized and should go live in the next few weeks. Here’s a snip from the update:

A lot of people are asking us if we feel a lot of pressure to make a game with such high expectations. Of course we do! But that pressure is mitigated by your support.

Most of the time, when you start a game, you’re making an enormous guess. You create a concept doc, convince a publisher (and your team) that it’s the right thing to invest in and then spend months or years waiting to see if you’re right. It requires a giant act of faith for many.

This game is different (and strange and awesome) because we know you want it and that you’re as excited as we are. You’ve told us clearly (and often poetically) in mail, on the boards, and with your generous funding. It’s a fantastic feeling to know at the beginning of a project that you’re about to work very, very hard to make something people really, really want.

Thank you for that. It’s cool to be a part of it.

Okay, let’s talk business!

The Backer’s Survey to determine which city becomes our second location should go out sometime next week. We’ve been listening and a few cities are rising to the top but you still have time to discuss your favorites and why. Don’t worry about lobbying us talk amongst yourselves! Your (thoughtful, respectful) debates are the best way for us to learn from you.

We’re also figuring out the best way to collect and manage all of your contact information, DocWagon card names and photos, shirt sizes, etc. You should see that in the coming weeks.

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