Shadowrun Returns Patch 1.0.4 Released

A new patch has gone live for Harebrained Schemes’ Kickstarter-funded Shadowun Returns, offering a plethora of bug fixes (including one to the annoying audio stuttering problems) and even some added functionality for the editor that comes with the game. Here’s the full changelog, grabbed from Steam:

New Features, Improvements

– Steam Trading Cards are now available
– Shotguns: Kneecap cooldown reduced to 2 from 3
– Headshot: Critical hit chance increased. AP cost reduced to 1 from 2.
– Cooldown of 2 added.
– Drones: Aim now works like the Aim ability that normal characters use. AP cost reduced to 1 from 2, cooldown of 3 added.
– UI Tweaks and revisions.
– Increased ESP movement speed so they can keep up with their masters.
– Updated tutorial about essence loss and spell slots.
– Slightly improved load times between levels for some users.
– Editor: New trigger (Remove prop by tag.”
– Editor: New trigger “Remove item by skill type.”
– Editor: New trigger “Check for weapon holster state.”
– Editor: Allow heal HP Damage trigger to revive

Bug Fixes

– Audio should be much less (hitchy) now.
– Fixed bug where player’s team would still end their turn even after using haste on an ally.
– Joysticks/Gamepads/Flight Controls should no longer move the camera.
– Fixed bug with dispel magic not always functioning.
– Fixed item duplication bug on equip screen.
– Fixed sending an event through a trigger in conversation.
– Fixed issue with save games being bloated with redundant tag data.
– Fixed issue with players sometimes gaining +1 AP when they already had 3 AP.
– Fixed issue preventing some players from receiving +1 AP after reaching the Karma threshold.
– Fixed issue with actors entering fog of war erroneously running super fast.
– DMS: Fixed several places where base attribute or skill was being checked instead of current attribute or skill in conversations.
– DMS: Fixed prop placement issues in various levels.
– DMS: Fixed more typos.
– Editor: Editor should now be able to select subscribed content packs as dependencies.
– UGC: Fixed bug causing some subscribed content packs from appearing in game.
– UGC: Fixed an issue preventing content packs larger than 100MB from being uploaded.

Known Issues

– Some users are experiencing occasional timeouts while uploading content packs (especially larger ones). This has been identified as an issue with the Steam Workshop servers and Valve is working on a fix.
– Some users are reporting excessive disk space being used by the asset caching process. We are looking into ways to address and/or minimize this issue.

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