Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter Project Update #13, $1.74 Million and Counting

With 11 hours to go the Harebrained Schemes team has posted yet another update for the Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter drive, which includes information on the amount of Paypal pledges, the time of the final Kickstarter update video (12:30 am PST) and notes that a few Twitter celebrities have posted about the project recently. Since the update is short enough, I’m gonna quote it in its entirety:

Howdy gang!

Impressive push! Go, go, go!

There’s some cool tweeting going on out there! Wil Wheaton gave us a shout out and we see folks tweeting Felicia Day, Nathan Fillion and Ice-T too.

Anyone contacted Jimmy Fallon yet? Jordan should do a happy dance on his show. (Jordan is at the park with his dogs and doesn’t know we’re posting this, BTW. He also can’t dance.)

With just 12 hours left to go, we thought you’d want to know two important pieces of information:

1. Our PayPal Backers total is at $52,969 as of this Update

2. We’re going to post our final Kickstarter update video at12:30am PST

We hope you stop by to countdown until midnight, hang out, and watch together!

Until then, please continue being awesome.


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