Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter Project Update #12, $1.72 Million and Counting

I suppose Harebrained Schemes is counting the so far undisclosed Paypal pledges sum too, because in the twelfth update to Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter fundraising drive they have just announced that the last stretch goal announced so far, the $1.75 million threshold needed for the addition of physical adepts, has been reached. With 15 hours to go there’s still the chance to break $2 million, although it’s not really clear what would be done with the additional money:

You people are AWESOME !

We sincerely hope that you enjoy kicking the drek out things as Physical Adapts – because you have totally nailed that goal.

There’s 15 hours left and about $233k to go to hit $2m, seems like a bit of a stretch – but you guys have amazed us before so it could happen.

What twisted thank you awaits you there?

. . . kitten . . . . dragon . . . .maybe not joking this time?

Lets get there and see!

All our thanks,


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