Shadowrun Online Kickstarter Project Update #19, $504,000 and Counting

As it turns out the folks at Cliffhanger Productions have met their goal with the Shadowrun Online Kickstarter and sent out an update in celebration of this event, which includes the news of an in-game celebratory t-shirt awarded to everyone that pledged $30 and above, and a new all-digital reward tier:

Some of you asked for an all digital tier higher than Decker but below Ghost…well:

Here is our brand new WHIZ! — DIGITAL ONLY REWARD TIER You will receive ALL OF either the CAMPAIGN DECKER OR DECKER REWARDS
PLUS YOUR NAME IN THE CREDITS AND an EXCLUSIVE AUGMENTED REALITY in-game ICON broadcasting you as a premium backer in the game which allows access to in-game VIP clubs AND A TOTAL OF FOUR CAMPAIGN UPDATES OR A 1 YEAR PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION (includes the updates/subscription from the DECKER tier) .

And also the four mini set we promised to everyone above 75$! (If you want to be really generous you add a small amount for shipping those minis to you – or let us know if you don’t need them)

5 hours more to go, in case you’re interested in pledging.

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