Shadowrun Online Kickstarter Project Post-funding Update #24

The latest post-funding update for Shadowrun Online offers some info on the ongoing development on the title and quite a few snippets of music. Here’s an excerpt:

However our SRO team is now growing at a good pace and thanks to your generosity, we were able to add a few people to the team (and get a fridge you can put more than two bottles and a leaf of lettuce in). We are working on the Level Design Tools (so creating missions is faster) and are detailing out the scope in more detail. We are also talking about multiplayer and endgame mechanics (so the game stays interesting even if you have played through the current content). We will always provide more content, but we also know we will rarely be able to keep up with the avid players out there eating through our carefully assembled content like it was a cotton candy.

Back in the real world one of our prominent music contributors and early fans Walter Machado has been rewarded for his creative generosity. The exposure received from our spreading his music made a local Brazilian producer take notice and he actually got a deal for his Shadowrun oeuvre with the release of an album called Night Ride, you can find here. I think it is great SRO has been able to give back a bit for the great enthusiasm the project has received from composers around the world.

Speaking of composers – there are yet more creative people coming forward, so here is our latest entries for what no doubt will become an excellent soundtrack to any Shadowrun Session and may also part of SRO!

We are really REALLY excited about all the talent collecting around SRO and we hope the exposure helps everyone who contributed so far.

We will soon collect the most promising submissions into a survey for you to vote on, so we can start working with the composers.

See you in the Shadows


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