Shadowrun Online Kickstarter Project Post-funding Update #22

For the first proper post-funding update to the Shadowrun Online Kickstarter the Cliffhanger folks discuss what they’ve been doing since the project has been funded, how people can still contribute after missing the Kickstarter and a few more things. Here’s an excerpt:

So, what’s next?

Well, some of you have told us they would like to increase their pledge, or they may have forgotten shipping. Or they came too late to the KS. Anyway, here is what you can do:

– Go to and just select the appropriate tier – we will add up any donations there to whatever was pledged on KS unless you tell us NOT to. For missing shipping select 15 or 25 as appropriate – and let us know in the comments what the money is for. Make sure you use the same email as you use for KS or let us know your account name on KS, so we can identify the two sums as belonging to the same person!

-Some backers have been generous enough to tell us, that rather than us paying for extra SWAG such as the 4 minis, they would also be fine with additional in-game rewards in exchange, to save us having to pay extra shipping etc. We think that is a great idea – there is a thread on about what you would like to see as an alternative extra reward. Don’t feel bad about accepting the minis, though, if you are on an all digital tier – we are happy to send them your way and we stand by our promise.

– We will send out survey down the line (not sure when yet, but a may be some time off yet) concerning T-Shirt sizes, shipping addresses, special pledge tier combinations etc., but don’t expect them to come in right now.

One last note- we have an achievement system running in the forums, which currently gives out achievement levels to paypal backers, allowing others to see the donated amount. There were privacy concerns over this. Our current plan is to revise that system to differentiate backer and premium backers only and give out two according achievements – which will then be applied to all KS backers as well at a later stage IF you have used the same email address for our site as for KS (if not, you can let us know afterwards and we put that in manually).

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