Shadowbane Q&A has posted a brief Q&A with Shadowbane assistant community manager Danielle Vanderlip about her past and present MMORPG experience. An excerpt to follow:

Q: The first game that comes to my mind when you talk about (something deeper) is, of course, Shadowbane, where you currently work as the Assistant Community Manager. What aspects of the game immediately drew you in? This can be anything in game and out.

A: The first thing that really drew me to Shadowbane was the unrestricted Player vs. Player atmosphere. I had gotten a taste of it before in Everquest but it was on a very superficial level. I had always been involved in playing First Person Shooters and Real Time Strategy games with friends and against friends at LAN parties.

Next was the fact that Shadowbane added in RTS elements that no other MMO had done. It had a sieging system in which not only could you build a city but you could tear one down should you wish.

Also, the aspect of being able to be a part of a dynamic and very open world with a deep and rich lore that anyone could create something out of made Shadowbane highly appealing to me and many others. You became a part of a real living breathing community that had just as many faults as it did benefits. It was a community you could effect change within by playing politics as well as adding in the brute force of your character and those you associated with.

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