Shadowbane Preview

GamePro has posted a preview of Wolfpack’s Shadowbane. A snippet to follow:

    The idea of being able to get revenge on other players for things they did to you is attractive, but the ultimate goal of Shadowbane will be to have humungous city sieges and gigantic guild wars to mirror the epic battles of heroic fantasy. According to the developers, sieges will take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours to complete and weeks or months before that to plan and prepare. The stakes will be high, though: If the attackers win, the defenders will lose their home city, and their guild will be disbanded; if the defenders win, the attackers will have lost tons of resources and gained a powerful new enemy in the victorious defenders. This sort of large-scale PvP combat has been attempted in Dark Age of Camelot and Anarchy Online, but Shadowbane hopes to take it even further.
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