Shadowbane Interviews and tidbits

Well, we have a few links to put up for all of you who enjoy a good interview or background story, which I must say SB has quite a bit of. I recommend those of who you haven’t read some of it check it out, as SB is shaping up to be rather flush with some good roleplay material.

So, without further adue. You can find the latest on the noble, or not so noble, Elves in this tidbit from Meridian. Special thanks to Alexi from House Lok-ri.

And their arch rivals and offshoot race the Irekei are also back in the news with some roleplay updates for everyone taking notes. Check it out here on the site of Khalakar’akt, an Irekei roleplay guild’s message board and website.

And in the interview news, we have the following.

Ashen Temper, who is Wolfpack’s Internet relations manager for Shadowbane, stopped by Shadowbane Sage for an interview. Here’s a clip :

    Matteon: What do you think of the recent flurry of rumors that Shadowbane is evolving into less of a “dog eat dog” environment to appease those who prefer a safer playing environment?

    Ashen_Temper: I think people are just bored and looking for something to talk about. Shadowbane is still a world in Chaos and there are no Non-PvP areas with the exception of Safeholds.

That’s it for right now, but expect more soon as it seems to be now that Beta 3 has started more interviews and articles are making it to the light of day.

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