Shadowbane Interview

The Corporation has conducted an interview with Ubisoft’s Chris Mancil, asking the community relations rep several questions about their PvP-centric MMORPG, Shadowbane. Here’s a little something to get you started:

Q: In the newest patch notes, you mentioned The Design Team is still examining many other proposals, changes, and ideas to make Shadowbane more accessible to various play types and styles. Obviously, Shadowbane will probably not turn into a PvP- game, but are there plans to add PvE-oriented activities, such as dungeons or better crafting options (but not specifically those)?

A: There are many areas in the game that we really want to enhance and improve upon. One of the really exciting new features being developed for Shadowbane is the strategic resources system. By itself, this system is not directly related to PvP. But then again, we know that just like any rare natural resource deposit anywhere many wars will be fought over who controls it.

We will be deploying part one of this system in the Secrets of Power patch next month. Part one will place a few gold mines in the world. Gaining and keeping control over these resources will provide that guild with some very nice and valuable benefits. You can expect more information and specifics to be announced by us very soon. Part two of the resource system will appear in patch 4.0, and that will even more rare and valuable resources to the world.

As to you questions about other options we are exploring for Shadowbane, it’s really too soon to talk about those specifically. We have a large list of concepts, proposals, new ideas, and community requests that we have gathered together to discuss. We are currently debating the viability (and feasibility) of many of these suggestions and changes.

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