Shadowbane History Part Two @ IGN PC

IGN PC has posted the second installment of their Shadowbane history feature. This time, they explain the Age of Days and the many great wars that were part of it. Here’s a taste:

    The War of Flames
    The Deathless Empire’s vengeance was stayed by the coming of the War of Flames. Long before, during the Times of Parting when the nations of Elvenkind had scattered in the face of the newborn Sun, one mighty host had chosen to stay behind, living in the Sun’s harsh light. They named themselves the Khalinviri, or “Children of the Sun,” and remained in the ruined heartlands of the Kingdom of Twilight even as the lands withered into deserts all around them. By the beginning of the Age of Days, they had become a fierce, harsh people, tempered by the struggle for survival in the heart of the Burning Lands. Though not a soul knew it at the time, the Khalinviri had stayed in the Burning Lands not to defend against the Dragon, but to worship it. The Khalinviri believed that the Dragon was mightier even than the Gods, and that it would someday rouse itself to consume the World. At that time, only its worthy servants would be spared, and the Dragon would reward them with dominion over the ruined World.
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