Shadowbane Gen Con Interviews

Ubi Soft’s official Shadowbane website has been updated with three interviews that they conducted at this year’s Gen Con. The first is with Sam “Meridian” Johnson, the lead fiction writer for Wolfpack Studios, the second is with J. from Shadowbane Warcry, and the third is with one of Ubi Soft’s community managers, Kurtis “Zelnik” Buckmaster. Here’s a snippet from the one with Meridian:

    Q: What is cool about showing the game at Gen Con, as opposed to say an E3, or the Mac World Expo?

    A: I have never been to a Mac World, but I can tell you that at E3, if you are demo’ing or promoting SB you’re only talking to press or industry folk. At Gen Con, I’m talking to the people who are gonna actually be PLAYING, and I’m meeting a lot of the names I’ve seen on boards and e-mails. It’s great.

And a little of what they talked about with J.:

    Q: What is not so cool about Gen Con, if anything?

    A: I kind of wish there were signs that read “Toothpaste and Deodorant: They Matter.” Sometimes when people use the term “unwashed masses” to describe potential customers, I wonder if they know what they’re talking about.

Lastly, a bit of what Zelnik had to say:

    Q: What kind of responses are you getting from the different gamers at the show?

    A: The best responses are from the Table Top gamers. These guys are looking at Shadowbane like a “painter looking at an empty canvas”. I can’t wait to see them in action.

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