Shadowbane Chat Log

UnknownPlayer has posted the chat log from yesterday’s Shadowbane IRC with Chris “Vosx” Mancil and Sean “Ashen Temper” Dahlberg. A snippet to follow:

    [UnknownPlayer] [CoA|Dcoene] Will Wolfpack, while playing out the role of one or more major characters in the ever-evolving storyline of Shadowbane, allow an every-day Player Character to obtain a stance in the storyline, significant enough to permanently alter the course of the plot intended by the game developers?

    [Ashen_Temper] Actually, that is what is intended with the Storyboard and Feature Character system.
    [Ashen_Temper] Feature Characters will rarely be the “Champions” of the war… rather they are more like the stage hands… helping to set things up
    [Ashen_Temper] Then the players will be the ones deciding outcomes.
    [Meridian] Exactly – it’s our job to set the stage.
    [Vosx] The players in Shadowbane, are very much the stars of this production.
    [Ashen_Temper] They will be the deciding factors in whether, to use a limited idea, Good vanquishes evil or if Evil wins the day.

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