Seven Things Any Deus Ex: Human Revolution Sequel Must Have

Given it’s likely that the team that developed Deus Ex: Human Revolution at Eidos Montreal is developing a sequel right now, Official Xbox Magazine whipped up a wishlist editorial containing “seven things” it absolutely must have. Here’s an excerpt:

New ways to hack

Despite frequently scrounging around in bins or down sofas for pocket secretaries, I saw and interacted with a lot of bland, samey hacking terminals in Human Revolution. And while hacking was definitely a handy skill to have, I grew mighty tired of doing it by the end.

If we were to see a sequel to Human Revolution on the Xbox One, perhaps it could make use of SmartGlass to take hacking outside of the main game screen. It would certainly be refreshing to see the act of hacking become slightly more involved than simply capturing nodes and using disposable items to help your progress.

Timing is everything

As many players may learn to their detriment in one of Human Revolution’s very first missions, time can be vital in Deus Ex’s world. If you tarry, lounging around in your office looking for magazines or ebooks to read, people can, and will, die. If Jensen hangs back and does nothing, he can have as much of an effect on missions as he would if he sprung immediately into action. Too many RPGs place little to no emphasis on time management, which gives quests – and thus players – no sense of real urgency. More of that in any and all sequels, please.

Thanks, RPGWatch.

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