Serpent in the Staglands Preview Trailer and Updates

Serpent in the Staglands developers Whalenought Studios have released a new post-funding Kickstarter update for the title that includes a new “preview trailer” and a write-up of a handful of paragraphs that mostly focuses on the physical rewards delivery. First, the trailer:

Then a snippet from the update:

One location we didn’t feature in the preview trailer was Tratis Saltis, a favorite due to the very different environment it brings. The area’s subsurface is an expanse of hot springs like veins breathing heat from depths below, and it gives some variety to the usually snow blasted peninsula. The persistently wet ground has made the few surviving settlers here build above surface level upon giant trees and mushrooms, and you wade through a dangerous bog below to traverse the district. Vol is an “eye ball” planet, and in the perpetually cold regions like the Staglands heated places like these are hard to come by and usually cherished for what vegetation and life they provide. Regrettably for these settlers, some of that is quite dangerous.

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