Second Origin Interview

In case you missed it elsewhere, (it being breaking news yesterday), the Ultima Worlds site conducted a feel-good interview with Cynthe, the Community Coordinator for the eventual hugely popular MMORPG, Ultima Worlds Online: Origin. If you delve into it, you’ll be sure to find bits like this:

Shadowlight: Personally, what is your favorite feature of UWOO?

Cynthe: The motion capture and emotes. I got in during one of the earliest stress tests (about 8 people from the team logged in at once) just to help them see how the server was doing, and I chose a Jukan female. As I was standing in the middle of a square in Britain, I started dancing. I was blown away… I’ve never seen my character move that well onscreen in a game before. Then, as the night wore on (in-game), the moon rose above the horizon. I walked over and positioned myself so I was silhouetted in the moon’s light, and started doing all kinds of combat moves and dance moves. That was just too gorgeous for words! 🙂 Keep in mind I haven’t played it much at all, so there’s lots more to be excited about; I just haven’t seen it all yet.

Did anyone else have huge EverQuest picture galleries from their personal travels?

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