Sean Dahlberg Interview

The Electric Playground has conducted an interview with Wolfpack’s Sean “Ashen” Dahlberg, asking quite a few questions about their upcoming Shadowbane and MMORPGs in general. A snippet to follow:

    Q: It must be tough to not only attract, but hold gamers in a MMORPG universe. What do you all intend to do to keep Shadowbane fresh?

    A: Aside from adding new content, there are two systems in play that will make gamers want to come back for more. The first is the Questing and Feature Character system. “Feature Characters” are pre-generated characters for use in the Shadowbane universe as “Actors.” These Feature Characters have been placed in the World primarily to fill roles that add atmosphere to the overall game and represent any story element that we wish to “push”. The second are the players themselves. The world itself is very dynamic… players not only create their own affiliations through guilds and empires but also control the in-game economy and much of the landscape of the world by creating cities. Players can join together to form guilds, armies and Kingdoms. Leaders can marshal their strength to build keeps, temples and fortifications and control vast sections of the virtual terrain or trek out and lay siege to enemies.

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