Saying Goodbye to ‘My Next Favorite Game’

One of our frequent forum visitors (txa1265) has written up an article entitled “Saying Goodbye to ‘˜My Next Favorite Game'” that essentially recaps the history of Heuristic Park’s Dungeon Lords. Judging by other forum comments and many reviews on the web, I’d say his opinion is most likely shared by many Dungeon Lords fans:

Heuristic Park would need to revamp the journal, add character customization, add many, many NPC’s and environmental items, deal with the spawning issues, give us quests and rewards . which is entirely too much to ask or expect. Dungeon Lords is what it is, which is a mediocre, unfinished RPG that reeks of ‘˜what could have been’. I warn people off of it all the time and now look back on it with bittersweet feelings of the fun I had despite the way the game ended up. I made some new friends, and watched one of them Chuk, who was the only one to stick his neck out and talk to the fans get his heart broken watching so much of his work getting trashed because of the final quality of the game. It was a sad thing hearing how he had been missing out on time with his wife and their new baby in order to build assets that will likely never be used in the game.

Very sad, indeed.

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