Saints Row Celebrates 10 Years

Next week, in honor of the tenth anniversary of Saints Row, Deep Silver Volition’s very own stream czar Josh Stinson and video producer Alexander Mejia, among several other developers, will be doing a daily stream from Monday to Friday.

In the streams, they plan on showing off early builds and telling stories of developing their games throughout the Saints Row series, as well as potentially playing cancelled games and unveiling behind the scenes footage.  If you’re a fan of Saints Row or just like to take a peek behind the developer curtain to see how games look earlier in their development, you won’t want to miss out.

The celebratory streams will air on twitch starting August 29 on DSVolition’s official twitch stream.  Beyond just celebrating milestones like 10 year anniversaries, Volition also streams a variety of different games every Thursday, sometimes featuring other developers joining in on the fun.  They don’t restrict themselves to playing just their own games, they also play all manner of titles like Resident Evil 4 to Doom 2 to even newer titles like No Man’s Sky and Batman: The Telltale Series.




This isn’t the first time they’ve put old unreleased work on display; earlier this year, Deep Silver Volition had generated quite a bit of good press when they pulled an old cancelled Playstation Portable title from 2009 out of their archives to show on a stream.  Saints Row Undercover was a game developed by third-party Savage Entertainment, meant to feature an entirely new story based in the same open world as Saints Row 2, but it fell below the expectations and standards for Saints Row games, and so it was cancelled.

You can watch the whole archived stream here while you wait for next week’s streams. Former employees of Savage Entertainment Val Nunez, Chris Richardson, and Jorge Riverol talked with Alex Mejia and Josh Stinson about their work on Saints Row Undercover:


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