RPGCodex’s Year in Review

Prepare yourself for an insult and expletive-riddled experience before reading the “Year in Review” article on RPGCodex. It’s obvious from the awards they’ve handed out that they’re not holding back any punches:

Developer of the Year: DW Bradley – The Search for a Clue Continues

Although many developers have distinguished themselves, we feel that DW Bradley, the captain of Dungeon Lords, a ship that didn’t get to set sail (and hopefully sink) this year, deserves this honor:

“During the past several decades my approach to creating leading edge RPG and my computer game design philosophy has evolved quite a bit, and Dungeon Lords is a quantum leap, the crowning achievement of a lifetime’s worth of experience to create a new class of RPG that really takes you there.

“Dungeon Lords is a game totally devoid of the mindless and repetitious point-and-click or turn-based combat or fatiguing micromanagement that–to this day–continues to plague almost all other RPG games.”

Sadly, that quantum leap of a game sucked so badly that it had to miss the shopping frenzy season known as Christmas and that’s gotta tell you something.

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