RPG Developers @ E3

RPGVault had the chance to talk with various RPG developers on what their plans are going to be for next week’s E3, and have posted their responses in a nifty little article. Here’s what Scott Jennings of Mythic Entertainment had to say:

    I’ll be spending most of my time helping Sanya Thomas show off the latest and greatest additions to Dark Age of Camelot. In what free time I have left I’m definitely interested in seeing what else is happening in the massively multiplayer arena. Just as a player/fanboy I’m very interested in Star Wars Galaxies and Shadowbane and seeing what progress they have to show this year. I’m also a big fan of strategy conquer the world/universe games and will be looking for Master of Orion 3 and Paradox’s sequels to the Europa Universalis line. Possibly may sleep some as well, but that’s doubtful!
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