Roller Coaster

If any title is able to get attention, it’s that. Who’s not into Roller Coasters? Even if you’re sort of afraid of going on one, there’s still something awe inspiring about them, primal, visceral. A testiment to that is the fact that for 2 years, Roller Coaster Tycoon has effortlessly stayed in the top 10 selling games. Whether you like ’em or hate ’em they are bound to invoke some sort of feeling.

So what’s new on the Roller Coaster gaming scene? The thrillseekers from Bullfrog who got the gaming roller coaster tableau up over the first incline so to speak, are making a successor to their 3D lukewarm title, Sim Theme Park and expect it to be better in about every way. It’s called Sim Coaster and it’s supposedly moving back toward the managerial roots and objectives of their first title, Theme Park. Daily Radar scored an interview with the team accompanied with a few very nice looking 3D screens. Here’s a salivatory morsel:

Q: Tell us about the storyline and evolving plot in Sim Coaster that is different from the golden tickets or random challenges from Sim Theme Park.

A: Well, Sim Theme Park was great fun, but it was missing those challenges and objectives, so there was nothing really driving the player forward. So we came up with the storyline, objectives and challenges to give players really something to work towards.

So what we did was create a company, which is running the Theme Park empire. And the player starts off as an assistant manager in the company. The president gives you objectives to achieve ultimately to take his place when he retires. However, the other directors on the board don’t want you to become president, so they are giving you challenges to try and trip you up.

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