Robin Dews & Matt Sansam Interview

GameFaction has conducted an interview with Warhammer Online developers Robin Dews and Matt Sansam. Here’s a bit of what they talked about:

    Q: Why were the evil races kept as non-player character (NPC) only? What sort of reactions to this decision have you received? What role will the followers of Chaos play? The Skaven?

    A: As I’ve said elsewhere, this was really a very difficult decision. We knew that many Warhammer fans would love to be able to play an Orc or Skaven Grey Seer as their character, but once we’d made the switch to a player vs. environment game it was inevitable. The only way we could have made this work would have been to have some kind of team PvP system of the kind they have in World War 2 Online or Dark Ages. Within the context of the Warhammer World, it simply would not have been credible to have an Orc turn up in Altdorf, buy supplies, or go off adventuring with a party of Humans, Elves and Dwarfs!

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