Robert Dews & Matt Sansam Interview, Part Two has posted the second installment of their interview with Robin Dews and Matt Sansam of Games Workshop. As usual, an excerpt:

    Q: The background of Warhammer aside, what else will make Warhammer Online stand out from the MMORPG crowd?

    A: This one is both easy and hard to answer. I don’t know what the MMORPG landscape will look like in early 2004 when this game launches. I don’t know how many games will be out there, how many gamers will be playing them, or indeed how many different games each player will be able to maintain.

    What I do know is that MMORPG’s are here to stay, because they are simply a fantastic way to spend time online with other games in a free form gaming environment. Matt has covered a lot of the detail of the game that we believe really will set it apart form the games that have gone before, but Warhammer Online will come with a big pedigree.

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