Risen 2: Treasure Isle DLC Previews

We have rounded up two recent previews about Risen 2: Dark Waters’ DLC Treasure Isle, which will be given for free to every player that pre-orders the game.


Rather than simply adding another island to the game for a self-contained quest, Treasure Isle’s quest line integrates itself into the main game, for the most part. Clues are found on islands you can visit throughout the game proper, and you’ll only need the DLC to find them. Because of Risen 2’s open world nature, you can always go back to these locations later on if you want to pursue the quest line and search for clues at another time.

The search for each clue involves a sub-quest, complete with dialogue, walking around, and hacking and slashing your way through scurvy dogs (and gorillas). After spending about half an hour with one of these sub-quests while getting the hang of the controls, these quests appeared to be pretty fleshed out and far from a throwaway last-minute addition. If you’ve played any sidequest in a Western RPG like Fallout 3 or The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim in recent years, you probably know what to expect.

Once you finally make your way to the eponymous island of treasure, the diary pages you’ve found throughout the quest line also offer tips for how to survive the traps that were left behind to keep unworthy landlubbers away. The diary is essentially a treasure map idea in book form, which makes you feel a bit like Dr. Jones figuring out the traps guarding the Holy Grail in The Last Crusade.

GamesRadar is offering a short 2-minutes video preview instead, packed with footage from the DLC.

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