Risen 2: Dark Waters Preview

It’s been a while since we actually had to report on a preview for Piranha Bytes’ pirate-y Risen sequel, so it’s certainly a pleasant surprise to find out this preview from IncGamers, courtesy of a presentation that showcases the same section that the press has written on in the last batch of previews. Here’s a snip:

Our task here is to steal and sail away on a docked ship. However, in order to do so we must put together a crew and disable the sea-facing cannons blocking any possible smash and grab attempt. The most interesting crew member to sign up to the cause is a guy that’s been locked up in a jail tower.

There are two primary means of breaking him out; blow the thing up by taking control of a cannon, or taking the softly, softly approach and obtaining the relevant key. In order to take the key you need to have levelled up sufficiently, to blow the tower up with a cannon you need to simply get yourself a cannon. You can see where this is going.

Getting control of a cannon isn’t easy, though. Guards patrol their perimeter with ant like discipline and hawkish attention. To attempt such an act during daylight hours requires a lot of skill and/or luck. Waiting until night arrives is a better idea, as guards are less abundant and their patrol routes are different.

The reduced volume of adversaries makes it possible to take them out one by one without their friends getting wind that you’re the one to blame. If you’re not a fan of the violent approach, though, you can use stealth to disarm the cannons while their back is turned. This simply involves learning their paths and dashing to the guns when the coast is clear.

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