Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny – With Blade and Brilliance DLC Released

The team at Crafty Studios has released a new set of “With Blade and Brilliance” DLC for their remake of Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny, and to convince us to check it out, they’ve made the add-on available for free. A thorough summary of what to expect from the DLC can be found on the Steam forums, but here’s the summary from the profile page if you want a quick window into the new content:

Celebrating the two year anniversary of Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny, Crafty Studios is proud to present an eventful blend of extra content – new classes, new spells and new events, along with various updates and additions – all packaged up in the free DLC (With Blade and Brilliance).

– Additional classes: (Juggler) and (Skald)
– Extended magic: (Destructibo (, (Fury Blood), Ball Magic for mages, Extended Spell descriptions and complete revision of magical items
– Additional NPC: Gerbald from Riva
– Additional events: (Days of the Nameless), (Tula of Skerdu), (Asleif the Bald) and (Rotten timberwork) in the Mine of Prem
– Additional items: Thorwal trousers, leather trousers, linen shirt, leather shirt, belt, silver ring, golden ring, silver tiara, golden tiara, feather hat, throwing dagger
– Atmospheric images for many dialogues enhance the game experience
– Various other additions and updates (Further information to be found in the Steam forum)

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