Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny Remake Reviews

In case you want to get an idea of the quality of the recent Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny remake, we’ve managed to find a review and an impressions article that paint a pretty grim picture, matching the impressions and complaints from many players.

Worlds Factory (thanks to RPGWatch), 10/100.

Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny is a buggy, unfinished game that needs a lot of work, and frankly it doesn’t deserve your money in this state. Crafty Studios has apologized for the release and seems to be doing everything they can to fix it, but if the concept intrigues you then buy it when it’s a finished product months down the line.

Gamers are more well-informed than ever and it’s inexcusable to release a game like this, especially considering alternatives like crowdfunding.

There are also some impressions over at Overpower3d. The writer doesn’t seem to have any experience with the original, and criticizes both the game systems (which are compared, weirdly enough, to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) and the remake’s bugginess:

The combat, is pretty bad. Like, really pretty bad. It’s slow and poorly laid out. The combat area is based on squares and you move a number of squares and if you have enough energy left in you, you can attack a guy, or try to, at least. Go out swinging! The figures are badly made with poor animations and you only hit a guy every third of fourth try. Your enemy hits you constantly. Never a miss. I only just about survived my first ever battle, which was against eight robbers. I only had 5 guys. And only two of them could attack with a weapon. What the hell?

Now, you may be getting ready to flame me. Some of you will have jumped down to the comment section and blazed off a few words of scorn already. But, let’s be rational and think about this. Ok, so my characters probably missed because they were only level 1 and there is most likely a system that increases your accuracy the higher you build a skill of a talent. That’s highly probable. Systems such as that are present on classics like Morrowind. But, despite how we have gone beyond Morrowind-esque games in to a better world of Skyrims, old school RPGs have their charm. My point, however, is that we don’t need to regress, and if we do, we can surely do a better job than this poor plater of animal waste.

To be honest, I can’t see how this is a remake. I tried to find the original that was released in ’93 and could only find a wikipedia page. So, I have a theory. I don’t think there is a remake. I think Crafty Studios (the clue is in the name) bought the rights, re-skinned the game, and re-released it to us fools who had forgotten about it. Prove me wrong, kids! Prove me wrong!

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