Realms Beyond: Ashes of the Fallen Update #24 – Combat Beta Released to Backers

Realms Beyond: Ashes of the Fallen, Ceres Games’ upcoming D&D-based CRPG, is an intriguing crowdfunded project that promises a tactical party-based roleplaying experience inspired by the genre’s classics. And if you count yourself among the game’s higher tier backers, you can now get some first-hand experience with Realms Beyond thanks to the newly released combat beta. Here’s more on that:

Fellow Adventurers!

The long-awaited combat beta of Realms Beyond has been finally released to backers whose reward tier includes combat beta access. Assemble your party and enter the Halls of Challenge to brave tough fights that will put all your skills to the test!

The purpose of the combat beta is to provide feedback and bug reports to us, so if you are among those with access to it, we ask you to report any issues to us. The easiest way to do so is in our official Discord server, where we have opened a dedicated combat beta channel. You can also use our official forums at (account registration required). You can also write to support[at]

While the combat beta is not available to the public, there is no NDA on it. You can take screenshots, talk about your experience on forums and social media, or even record yourself playing it on YouTube or Twitch.

Since this is essentially a closed beta, please keep in mind that there are still bugs to be ironed out, balance is not perfect, and some features are missing. We will deal with those issues as we receive your reports. As of now, we have not yet implemented a savegame feature. If you want to speed up animations in combat, hold down . If you have any questions – or suggestions – feel free to contact us about them.

Happy playing, and may you survive the trials of the Halls of Challenge!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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