RatHunt Interview, an FPS/RPG

RPGDot posted an interview with the PR Manager of a Lithtech powered FPS/RPG not many people have probably heard of yet, RatHunt. Judging from the screenshots, they’re making decent use out of the Lithtech engine, and it may have potential. But what exactly is it? This should explain it somewhat:

Q: RatHunt is “action-packed” with tons of combat according to your website. On the other hand, it states that the player can also choose to avoid combat by sneaking around enemies etc. How do you plan to award a player experience points for sneaking? Is there other ways to gain experience than by killing?

A: Fulfilling quests is the way and the silently made quests are better awarded to balance gain from kills. On the other hand, if one wants combat only, the game becomes very hard with insufficient points gained to make the progress. So, one can try combat and in many cases will succeed, but sneaking is often highly recommended. For die hard lovers of combat and combat only there is one level – The Monastery – where the goal is to locate and kill Don Vasyl, who, together with his soldiers is already aware of your presence, betrayal and hostility.

Interesting fact about this level is that we built it with a deathmatch approach – Don Vasyl and his guards behave like bots. Don Vasyl is trying to keep a long distance while his guards are attacking and respawning when killed.

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