R.A. Salvatore Talks Books and EverQuest

GameZone Online has conducted an interview with R.A. Salvatore, the author of many Dungeons & Dragons novels, about his proposed series of books in the EverQuest land of Norrath. An excerpt to follow:

Q: Why do you think the world of EverQuest is ripe for a series of adventures? In putting together this concept, will the stories revolve around or incorporate real adventures, expand the mythology of the lands or create new mythology?

A: The first time I ran across the world of Norrath, going from Halas to Freeport behind a couple of more seasoned friends, I knew that I could write a hundred books in that world. There are so many stories to tell; you could write a book solely about one of the minor quests – Stein of Moggok would be a blast. There is so much there, so many hints of stories.

I’m hoping the book line will create characters with whom players can relate. I’m hoping that players/readers will find a bit of that initial magic when they see the world through the eyes of a novel character. We’re going to tell smaller tales, mostly, at least in the beginning.

The hook is the common experience and common world. An author in the series won’t have to do a lot of world-building, obviously, but he’s going to have to get it right. If he wants to write about Lord Nagafen, he better know what the dragon’s lair looks like, because the readers surely will!

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