Quest For Antonia Contest Interviews

Gamecloud had the opportunity to chat with two of the model finalists in Sony Online’s EverQuest II “Quest For Antonia” contest. Here’s a snip from the Teresa Noreen Q&A:

Q: Why did you think that you would be perfect for playing Antonia for Sony Online?

A: I want to be Antonia because I feel we are kindred spirits. Before entering this contest, my research of Antonia showed me that she is a conscientious individual and one who is strong both physically and mentally. I possess these characteristics making me perfect for this role. Even though I only held the number one position during the last month of the online contest, I have greatly expanded my personal fan base. And I simply love fantasy! I used to play Dungeons and Dragons for hours on end when I was younger. I continue to read R.A. Salvatore’s Forgotten Realms books, when I cannot be near my computer to play EverQuest II, of course.

And a snip from the Holly Weber Q&A:

Q: Do you play Everquest II yourself or any other PC or video games?

A: I grew up in a Playstation house and many of my friends worked for gaming companies testing games. You could say I was saturated in it from an early age. I have been playing Everquest II for several months now.

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