Queen’s Wish: The Conqueror Update #17

This month’s development update for Spiderweb Software’s Queen’s Wish: The Conqueror lets us know that the game is done and more or less works. As such, we should expect it to launch, and kick off a new Spiderweb RPG series, sometime in September. And apart from that, the update talks about backer rewards and the upcoming backer beta, and shares a fresh screenshot.

Here are the text parts:

Queen’s Wish: The Conqueror is done!

The Macintosh version is done, 99% tested, and works and is fun. The Windows port is done and in the hands of the first group of testers. A release in September is nearly guaranteed.

The next couple months are for finishing things up. Lots of testing. Writing documentation. The hint book. Figuring out what platforms we can be available on and setting things up with them (which is a huge job).

We are really excited about this game, and there’s not much more we can say about it. Time to sort though more bug reports.

* Notes to Backers

If you backed at a level that gets your name in the credits, we have sent you a survey asking how you want to be listed. If you haven’t responded yet, please do. If you didn’t get the message, check your spam inbox. If you are sure you backed us at a level where you can be in the credits and you got no survey, contact us at support[at]spiderwebsoftware.com.

Soon the closed beta for eligible backers can begin. Give us a bit more time to make sure that the game functions.

Finally, here is another screenshot. It is an ambush in the Ukatish swamps. The Ukatish are swamp folk, private, touchy, and full of hatred of outsiders. Some of them can be convicted to join with Haven. Others will try to get rid of you in a very determined way.

– Jeff Vogel

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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