Quantic Dream Working On 2 Projects?

quantic dream

Quantic Dream

It seems that our buddies at Quantic Dream are keeping busy by currently working on 2 projects.

According to the CV of  Simon Wasselin,in charge of Associate Lead Gameplay at Quantic Dream, he is working on 2 Undisclosed projects.


Game Design
Gameplay mechanics


Gameplay mechanics
Interface & Menus

One of these undisclosed projects is most likely a game named Singularity since Quantic registered a domain name titled “singularityps4.com” a while back.

Singularity could also have tie-ins with the project Kara demo we saw in which a scientific setting was shown with a female cyborg being built and interacted with.

[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7blx46w9cY”]
However that was only on the PS3 therefore a larger jump in terms of graphical quality and animation quality can be expected when it is shown on the PS4. In addition, Carle Côté, Ex AI Lead on Edios Montreal’s Theif reboot joined Quantic Dream in March once again as AI lead on one of these unannounced projects. This could mean that we could be seeing brand new game-changing AI in one of the upcoming projects.

Hopefully we will see a reveal at E3 for one of these titles since Sony seem to have a lot in the pipeline. Sony’s E3 Press conference has been confirmed for June 9th 2014 6PM PT.

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Moyo G.
Moyo G.

Moyo G. is a video game journalist from the United Kingdom and the founder of GamrMe.com, a news and commentary website focused on console and PC gaming. You can find Moyo on Google+

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