Project Eternity Kickstarter Campaign Update #25, $3.61 Million and Counting

With only 6 more hours to go it’s unlikely we’ll see another update for the Project Eternity Kickstarter campaign after the latest, which brings news of an extremely limited and US-only Obsidian loot bag reward tier (which includes an AMD processor!), includes a recap on what the stretch goals add to the title (and every single one of them has been hit!), and offers a behind the scenes look at the first screenshot of the title.

Here’s a snip:

The past month has been absolutely incredible. You have blown away our wildest expectations and we are so excited about starting the journey of creating this game for you. The Kickstarter site will be closing down here in the next few hours 6 PM PDT to be exact. I would like to remind you that you can watch us at the studio for the final countdown beginning at 12 PM (Noon!) PDT. We will be streaming live on UStream and

Final Fun and Silly Reward Tier – Obsidian Loot Bag

Our final fun reward for you is what we are calling the Obsidian Loot Bag at a $350 tier with a limit of 30. The Loot Bag contains an AMD Processor donated by our incredible friends over at AMD (you rock Steve Bell!), a signed Obsidian game (not Project Eternity), and a random assortment of Obsidian loot such as pens, coasters, t-shirts, game patches, doodles, etc. The AMD Processor is an A10, does not have a heat sink attached, and will be shipped OEM style. The Loot Bag includes everything in the $250 tier level too. Since we are shipping computer parts, we can’t ship outside the USA with this one.

Early this morning, we took a poll on what you would like to see via Twitter, Facebook, and on our Kickstarter Comments page for remaining stretch goals. Our first reaction is that we want to make the game better instead of just bigger; however we are currently discussing it at the studio right now.

Thank you again from everyone at Obsidian Entertainment. We will see you on the live stream for the final hours of this crazy adventure.

It also has to be said that at this point, with $3.61 million and counting, the Project Eternity Kickstarter is the most successful video game Kickstarter to date, beating even Double Fine’s own Kickstarter, which started the trend in the first place.

With six hours to go and more money to be made, I personally hope that the Obsidian folk persist with their intention of not adding other big features to the title and just focus on polishing it until it gleams.

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