Progress Quest: A New Form of MMORPG

Browsing some of the comments today on, strangely enough, Voodooextreme’s only newspost, I came across one that referred to another type of RPG. Following the link, I was taken to a site that offers a VERY small MMORPG program that simply runs in the background as you watch, or not, while it takes over all aspects of your character’s growth. Sound weird? It’s called Progress Quest.

I downloaded all 314K of it, rolled up a character (out of lots of funny combinations) and am now watching my Panda Man TongueBlade in my desktop background about 3/4ths the way to Level 2. You see the stats raise, items picked up, quests run, inventory and spell list. There is nothing for you to do but watch your character gain in levels and stats. You can see how your character compares to others too in their Hall of Fame. Weird! But eerily addictive I’m beginning to think… Try it out. I’d be interested in knowing what you think of it.

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