PoR Review @ GameSpot

I don’t normally post news of game reviews, but in light of PoR’s launch issues, I thought many of you would be interested in reading the review GameSpot posted up earlier this evening. They give the game a 6.3, which is a fairly decent score considering the weight of the technical issues. Here’s a snippet of some of the good news:

    While last year’s Baldur’s Gate II plucked a few elements from the new D&D 3rd Edition rules, Ruins of Myth Drannor is the first game to attempt to comprehensively adapt those rules. The combat and movement aspects of the rules were adapted relatively faithfully, so you can maneuver your characters to flank opponents, charge distant enemies, or be positioned to make attacks of opportunity against nearby foes that attempt to cast spells. The turn-based nature of Ruins of Myth Drannor also lets you more effectively cast spells than you could in the frantic, dynamic real-time skirmishes of recent D&D games, and the game’s interface highlights each spell’s proposed area of effect to facilitate precise targeting.
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