Pool of Radiance @ Gen Con

GameSpot has posted up a small report of Ubi-Soft’s booth at Gen Con, talking about how good the “final build” of Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor looked:

    We’ve been informed that the game is in fact feature-complete–including the game’s cinematic cutscenes, its large array of items and weapons, and all its magic spells–and that it’s now in rigorous QA testing to iron out any imbalances or bugs. Pool of Radiance’s colorful 3D character models have apparently been updated slightly from the build we received some months ago, and they look so good in motion that it’s difficult to see that the game’s animation is actually hand-drawn, not motion-captured. All the game’s spell effects, which use lighting and transparencies liberally, have also been implemented into the new build.
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