Poker & AI

Video gaming is a wide topic, covering not only mainstream or Indie PC or console video gaming which lets be fair do get most of the press but a myriad of other topics. Online gaming, is not only restricted to MMO’s or first person shooters but the more adult forms, such as casinos and online poker.

This is not a post that’s going to advocate some great new online casino game, but rather the AI, thoughts and processes behind the game and the people who strive to create a perfect poker-playing bot or beat the same. has created a fantastic infographic that gives you whole rafts of information about poker and the software and AI behind it. More importantly, it shows you the constant struggle of creating an AI Poker playing bot that can rival the complexities of a human mind doing the same thing. As the title suggests, it really is Man vs Machine.

“Dealing with poker is dealing with loads of imperfect information which makes the game quite complicated like many real-life situations – one of the main reasons why big universities AI departments are researching on Poker.”

Luckily, this AI is not going to end with humanity struggling against a robotic race set on wiping them from the face of the earth, as it really is a little 50/50 on who wins.

Read the full infographic below, and head over to for more information.


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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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