Planet Dungeon Siege Opens

GameSpy has announced the opening of Planet Dungeon Siege, previously known as SiegeWorks. For their initial opening, they’ve posted a brand new screenshot of a Blue Drake in battle, as well as an interview with Neal Hallford, the man behind Dungeon Siege’s story. Here’s a taste:

    PDS: Have changes in the game during development made you rewrite some of the story and on the flip side of that, has GPG changed parts of the game to more closely reflect the story?

    Neal Hallford: I can’t say that I’ve had to do much re-writing on this project. The story and text as you’ll see them in the finished game are going to be pretty close to what I originally put to paper, and most of the times that Gas Powered has come back to me and needed additional work, it’s usually been a matter of adding something new as opposed to cutting something out or drastically changing something I’ve done previously. Overall, Chris and the rest of the DS team have been very respectful of my writing and design background, and they tend to trust my instincts. I think that’s had a very positive impact on how the story has evolved.

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