Pixelz and Crytivo Announce Cefore Trailer

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you dropped Bob the Builder into a Minecraft world, and gave him huge amounts of explosives. Well, now you don’t have to thanks to Crytivo. (Well all except for the Bob the Builder part, the main character just reminds me of him. Crytivo and Pixelz have joined forced to create a physics-based puzzle game, called Cefore (C4, the explosive, gettit?)

Want to know more about Cefore, well you can take a look at this fantastic new release trailer for a start…

Cefore is the story of Baro an intergalactic contractor in charge of gathering important data from alien worlds. In short, Baro is an engineer who solves puzzles in the only way he knows… by blowing stuff up. Although he is precise with his explosions, he’s not immune to their damage. Staying alive and out of harm is very important to this puzzle solving. There are other tools you can use as well, such as grappling hooks and hot air balloons, so it’s not all about the “Boom”.

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Cefore had been in development for almost 2 years by Canadian two-men team Pixelz Games. The team attempted to crowdfund the project through Kickstarter, but cancelled their campaign after missing their initial target. Crytivo, the nice guys and gals that they are stepped in to help them out.

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Alex Koshelkov, the founder of Crytivo says: “We hate to see creative projects from talented teams getting buried on larger platforms. Our goal is to provide a pedestal upon which great projects can stand out and get discovered. Cefore is definitely a title deserving of everyone’s attention.”

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Cefore Features

  • Visit different uniquely-themed locations with your ship.
  • A destructible environment mixed with real-time physics forms the perfect recipe for fun.
  • Many different tools to help destroy and manipulate the environment. Use whichever tools you want in any manner you see fit. Let your creativity
  • Character customization: unlock different skins and hats for Baro. –
  • More than 25 unique and challenging levels.
  • A pure sandbox mode
  • Seamless GIF sharing built-in right to your favorite social medias – Did we mention you have a jetpack, too?

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Cefore will release solely for the PC, with the possibility of releasing to more platforms at a later date. The Standard Digital Edition will be priced at $9.99, while the Explosive Edition will be sold for only $14.99. The Explosive Edition includes the game’s soundtrack, exclusive wallpapers, and various pieces of concept art.

If you still want to know more about Cefore head over to the official site here or head over to the Steam page for more info.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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