Pixelmage Games Shutting Down

Several days ago Massively Overpowered reported rumors of trouble brewing within Pixelmage Games. Developers of Hero’s Song, a roguelike action-RPG, were said to be pulling back support of their Early Access title in preparation for the eventual shutdown.

In this particular case the rumors were proven to be true. Pixelmage Games’ official website now has a statement informing of studio’s closing and refunds being issued. Here’s some information on that:

For our Indiegogo customers, please email refunds@pixelmagegames.com with your name and information about which one of the packages you bought so we can make sure you get your money back. Our team will respond to confirm we received your email and we’ll make sure you get your refund quickly.

For players that purchased via Steam you will be able to claim your refund through the normal Steam refund process. Go to https://help.steampowered.com and you can get your refund right away.

Thank you for all the support you showed us. We’re sorry things worked out the way they did, but we feel strongly that we gave it our all and we’re proud of how far we came with the game. The fact that we weren’t able to finish the game is painful, but the journey of making Hero’s Song has been a great experience for us and we’re just sorry we couldn’t take it all the way.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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